@article{307, author = "Nagappa Desai and S. Thirumala", abstract = "A field experiment were conducted to study the effects of spacing and fertilizer levels on growth, flowering and spike yield in Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) cv. Shringar. The experiment consisted of twelve treatment combinations, comprising of three spacing (S1 - 45x30cm, S2 -30x30cm and S3 - 30x15 cm), four levels of fertilizers doses (F0 - Only FYM (25t/ha), F1 - 200:200:200 kg NPK/ha.+ FYM, F2 - 250:250:250 kg NPK/ha + FYM and F3 - 300:300:300 kg NPK/ha + FYM) with four replication and Factorial in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The result of field experiments revealed that the significant difference on growth, flowering and spike yield as affected by spacing and fertilizers levels. The spacing of 30x30cm with fertilizers levels of 250:250:250 kg NPK/ha+ FYM were found to be optimum for better growth were recorded and significant plant height(55.26cm), maximum number of leaves per plant(115.74), maximum number of side shoots per plant(22.64) and early sprouting of bulbs(10.85days) as compared to S1F0treatment interaction. Whereas, Spike characters such as early spike emergence (56.50 days) with maximum spike length (80.00 cm), rachis length (25.00 cm), spike girth (2.58 cm), weight of spike (122.65 g) and number of florets per spike (54.80) were significantly influenced by spacing and fertilizer levels and also flower characters such as early flowering (68.75 days) with maximum length of floret (6.33 cm), diameter of floret (3.24 cm), weight of 100 florets (121.67 g), duration of flowering (17.60 days) and cumulative spike (4.39 spike/pl/year) were significantly influenced by spacing and fertilizer levels found to be optimum at S2F2 level(30x30cm spacing with fertilizer 250:250:250 kg NPK/ha + FYM). Flower characters such as early flowering (68.75 days) with maximum length of floret (6.33 cm), diameter of floret (3.24 cm), weight of 100 florets (121.67 g), duration of flowering (17.60 days) and cumulative spike (4.39 spike/pl/year) were significantly influenced by spacing and fertilizer levels found to be optimum at S2F2 level (30x30cm spacing with fertilizer 250:250:250 kg NPK/ha + FYM). ", journal = "IJRAS", keywords = "Tuberose cv Shringar, Plant Spacing, Fertilizer Doses, Growth, Flowering, Spike Yield", month = "November", note = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", number = "6", pages = "262-267", title = "{E}ffect of {S}pacing and {F}ertilizer {L}evels on {G}rowth, {F}lowering and {S}pike {Y}ield in {T}uberose ({P}olianthes tuberosa {L}.) cv. {S}hringar under {F}ield {E}xperiment", volume = "2", year = "2015", }