@article{377-01, author = "Sattar Bagheri Dizaji and Rasoul Pirmohammadi", abstract = "In an study include 120 laying hens from a commercial strain (Hy-line W36) the effect of dietary probiotic Biosaf SC 47 (SC) containing a minimum of 5×1010 colony forming units (cfu)gr-1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain NCYC sc 47) and Boiplus 2B(BP) containing a minimum of 3.2×109 (cfu)gr-1 Bacillus subtilis(CH201) and Bacillus lichenioformis (CH200) on egg quality and yolk serum cholesterol was determined. In 10 week experiment, hens (46 to 55 weeks of age) were allocated to three dietary treatments being control, SC, BP. Treatment SCBP0 had no probiotic (control) while those for treatments SC, BP included 200,300,400g t-1 of S. cerevisiae and 400,800,1200 gr t-1 Bioplus 2B respectively. Using the different probiotics caused significant increase (p", issn = "2348–3997", journal = "IJRAS", keywords = "Laying Hens, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Bacillus Licheniformis, B Subtilis, Egg Quality, Yolk or Serum Cholesterol", month = "January", note = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", number = "1", pages = "21-23", title = "{E}ffect of {S}accharomyces {C}erevisiae and {B}ioplus 2{B} on {E}gg {Q}uality and {Y}olk/{S}erum {C}holesterol of {L}aying {H}ens", volume = "1", year = "2014", }