Influence of Storage Conditions and Containers on seed Germination and Seedling Quality in Flemingia Semialata Roxb
Hits: 5977
- Select Volume / Issue:
- Year:
- 2019
- Type of Publication:
- Article
- Keywords:
- Ambient Temperature, Cold Condition, Germination, Peak Value and Vigour Index
- Authors:
- Rajak, Kameshwar Kumar; Hunje, Ravi; A., Krishna
- Journal:
- Volume:
- 6
- Number:
- 3
- Pages:
- 72-78
- Month:
- May
- 2348-3997
- Abstract:
- The consequence of storage temperature showed higher germination per cent in cold storage (74.33%, 70.83%, 63.08%, 57.16% and 52.83%) than ambient condition (72.00%, 66.99%, 60.75%, 55.08% and 51.33%) for 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days respectively. At first polythene bag attains highest germination per cent in 30 days (78.67%) but at 150 days cloth bag attains highest germination (57.00%). The extent of decrease in germination per cent due to storage of seeds in cold condition and containers was found to be 5.80, 15.37, 23.29 and 28.81 per cent over 30 days of storage at 60, 90, 120 and 150 days after storage respectively. The gradual reduction in germination parameter with the increase in storage period was noticed in all the seed storage containers. At the end of five months of storage higher seed quality parameters were recorded with cloth bag (E1) (57.00 %, 1.26, 1.95, 2.75, 4.91 cm, 3.29 cm, 462.11, 0.910 g and 0.111 g respectively) and lower seed quality parameters were found with air tight plastic container (E4) (47.33 %, 0.89, 1.59, 1.81, 4.30 cm, 2.83 cm, 338.8, 0.761 g and 0.088 g respectively). Interaction effect between seed quality and seed priming treatments was found to differ significantly for quality parameters throughout storage period. The variation in germination percentage showed significant difference due to the interaction between seed storage temperature condition and storage containers at all months of the storage period. Highest germination percentage (80.67 %) in cold storage with polythene bag (T2E2) and lowest (66.67 %) in ambient temperature with paper bag (T1E3) were recorded at the 30 days of storage. The gradual reduction in germination percentage with the increase in storage period was noticed in all the treatment combinations. Seeds stored in cloth bag kept under cold storage was found to be better seed container for keeping seeds for long term with relatively more viability.
Full text: IJRAS_766_FINAL.pdf