A Study on the Perceived Usefulness of the Krishi Pradeepike Farm Magazine
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- Select Volume / Issue:
- Year:
- 2019
- Type of Publication:
- Article
- Keywords:
- Krishi Pradipike Magazine, Perceived Usefulness, Agricultural Information
- Authors:
- Patil, Shruti; Goudappa, S. B.; Hulagur, Basavaraj
- Journal:
- Volume:
- 6
- Number:
- 5
- Pages:
- 153-158
- Month:
- September
- 2348-3997
- Abstract:
- Mass media is powerful instrument for transformation of knowledge, creating awareness and dissemination of technical know-how to the farmers. The agricultural prosperity is directly connected with the publication and use of agricultural literature through dissemination of new technology among farming community. Krishi Pradeepike is one of the Kannada farm magazine publishing from University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur since 2014, which is playing an important role in increasing the knowledge regarding agriculture technology. By reading the articles, naturally it is expected that farmers may be motivated to adopt the agriculture technology on their farm. Looking to its popularity, it is necessary to ascertain the perceived usefulness of agriculture information by Krishi Pradeepike subscribers on their farming with sample of 120 respondents in the year of 2017-18. The interview schedule was designed to collect the data and data were analyzed by using of appropriate statistical tools. About usefulness of the Krishi Pradeepike magazine, the study revealed that, majority of respondents opined that content has relevancy to the needs of the farmers (76.67%), whereas magazine contains complete information (75.83%) with proper arrangement of articles (74.17%) and use of illustrations/pictures in the magazine cannot understand (76.67%). About physical appearance of the Krishi Pradeepike magazine, majority of the respondents expressed that the quality of paper was good (85.00%), whereas, colour combination of cover page was good (80.83%), 41-60 pages of magazines prefer to read by the readers (80.00%), the text published in the magazine was easy to read (76.67%), this indicates that farm magazines offers a wide range of solutions to agriculture challenges at the door step of readers by useful scientific information published in field of agriculture and allied sectors.
Full text: IJRAS_752_FINAL.pdf