@article{949, author = "Koffi Kouadio Arsene Dieudonne and Silue Pagadjovongo Adama and Kouassi Konan Edouard and Coulibaly Tioporo Naminata and Koutouan-Kontchoi Milene Nadege", abstract = "The increase in intensive agriculture combined with the problems of climate change are causing considerable degradation of natural ecosystems. Therefore, in order to ensure their protection, it is necessary to find a system that will combine environmental protection and carbon absorption. Thus, the general objective of our research is to understand the role of cashew (Anacardium Occidentale L., Anacardiaceae) plantations of different ages, in the mitigation of the effects of climate change, through the capture of atmospheric carbon in the north of C{\^o}te d’Ivoire (Napi{\'e} in the Korhogo department). The work consisted of evaluating the carbon stock of the clear forest and cashew plantations with their sequestration dynamics at different ages. The carbon stock of the clear forest is 177.854 t/ha. While that of the cashew plantation is 8.657 t/ha, 66.304 t/ha and 193.32 t/ha respectively for plantations of 4, 10 and more than 10 years old. Our results have shown that cashew trees over 10 years old manage to recover and even exceed the rate of carbon lost after cutting down the clear forest. This study revealed that cashew farms can act as carbon sinks. These results make the species A. Occidentale a good candidate for reforestation, land restoration to combat climate change and land degradation.", issn = "23483997", journal = "IJRAS", keywords = "Farm, Cashew, Reforestation, Climate Change, Napie", month = "March", number = "2", pages = "70-78", title = "{C}hanges in {V}egetation {S}tructure and {C}arbon {S}tock in {C}ashew ({A}nacardium {O}ccidentale {L}., {A}nacardiaceae) {B}ased {A}gro-{E}cosystem after {C}lear {F}orest in the {N}orth of {C}ote d’{I}voir", volume = "8", year = "2021", }