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Year: 2014

  • Kulkarni, N., Dalal, J. & Bodhankar, M. (2014). Microbial Endophytes: Ecology and Biological Interactions. IJRAS, 1(5), 311-319. [More]
  • Amoah, J., Akufo-Kumi, K., Oduro, W. O., Baddoo, R. N., Animpong, M. A. & Odoom, C. (2014). Evaluation of Some Physical Characteristics of Mulberry Cocoons Produced in Ghana. IJRAS, 1(5), 320-324. [More]
  • A., F. J. & O., B. J. (2014). Profitability Analysis of Fadama Farming in Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria. IJRAS, 1(5), 325-329. [More]
  • Ojoawo, O. T., Akinlade, J. A., Akingbade, A. A. & Aderinola, O. A. (2014). Influence of Planting Distance on Seed Yield and Size of Moringa oleifera. IJRAS, 1(5), 330-332. [More]
  • Abubakari, A. (2014). Menace of Newcastle Disease to Sustainable Guinea Fowl Production in Saboba District: Social and Economic Implications. IJRAS, 1(5), 333-339. [More]
  • de Laurentis, V. L., Bortoli, S. A., Polanczyk, R. A., Marieli Vacari, ., Veiga, A. C., Bortoli, C. P. et al. (2014). Kluyvera ascorbata: A Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) to Manage Plutella xylostella (L., 1758) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). IJRAS, 1(5), 340-343. [More]
  • de Laurentis, V. L., Bortoli, S. A., Polanczyk, R. A., Vacari, A. M., Veiga, A. C., Bortoli, C. P. et al. (2014). Sublethal Effects of Strains and Commercial Bt-Based Products against Different Populations of Plutella xylostella. IJRAS, 1(5), 344-350. [More]
  • Muslim, M. (2014). Simulated Projections in Paddy Growing Season over Kashmir Himalayan Region. IJRAS, 1(5), 351-356. [More]
  • Grara, N., Fadila, K., Bouloudenine, M., Asma, N. & Nouseiba, M. (2014). Evaluation of the Oxidative Stress Induced by Nanoparticle Manufactured (ZnO) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. IJRAS, 1(4), 206-210. [More]
  • Chinnusamy, C. K. & Soorianathasundaram, K. (2014). Physiological Parameters and Yield Characters of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) cv. BSR 2 as Influenced by Fertigation. IJRAS, 1(4), 211-215. [More]
  • Jit, R. B., Alam, M. F., Rhaman, M. G., Singha, N. K. & Akhtar, A. (2014). Landing Trends, Species Composition and Percentage Composition of Sharks and Rays in Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. IJRAS, 1(4), 216-224. [More]
  • Abdel-Monaim, M. F., Abdel-Gaid, M. A., Sahar, A. Z. & Nassef, D. M. (2014). Enhancement of Growth Parameters and Yield Components in Eggplant using Antagonism of Trichoderma spp. against Fusarium Wilt Disease. IJRAS, 1(4), 225-230. [More]
  • Allotey, D. F., Ason, B., Gaveh, E., Bleppony, H., Monney, E., Akuffo, E. A. et al. (2014). Performance of Sweet Pepper under Terawet and Three Watering Regimes in a Typical Ghanaian Sandy Soil. IJRAS, 1(4), 231-239. [More]
  • Nyamwamu, R. O., Mwangi, J. G. & Ombati, J. M. (2014). Agricultural Training Centres’ Contribution in Promoting Food Security among Smallholder Potato Farmers in Nyandarua County, Kenya. IJRAS, 1(4), 240-248. [More]
  • Lado, A. & Hussaini, M. A. (2014). Evaluation of Weed Control Methods in Dry and Rainy Seasons Cowpea in Sudan Savanna Ecology. IJRAS, 1(4), 249-253. [More]
  • Pandiyan, R., Manivannan, K. & Anbalagan, R. (2014). Influence of Different Levels of Nutrients and Growth Regulators on Nut Yield of Cashew. IJRAS, 1(4), 254-257. [More]
  • Haris, A. A. & Chhabra, V. (2014). Climate Change Impact on Chickpea Yield over a Sub Humid Climatic Environment. IJRAS, 1(4), 258-261. [More]
  • Anand, A., Sahu, G. S. & Mishra, N. (2014). Chemical Composition and Organoleptic Evaluation of Blended Cashew Apple Juice. IJRAS, 1(4), 262-264. [More]
  • Abua, M. A. & Essoka, P. A. (2014). Soil Properties-Cassava Yield Relationship in the Coastal Ecological Zone of Southern Cross River State, South-South, Nigeria. IJRAS, 1(4), 265-272. [More]
  • A., S. W. & B., A. M. (2014). Impact of Microfinance Banks on Poverty Reduction in Ogbomoso Zone of Oyo State. IJRAS, 1(4), 273-277. [More]
  • Thiyagarajan, S. S. & Hari, K. (2014). Tomato Root Knot Nematode Control Through Biocontrol Agent Pseudomonas Fluorescens. IJRAS, 1(4), 278-282. [More]
  • S., T. R. & N., R. A. (2014). The Detection of a New Hyphomycetes of Fungus from Central India. IJRAS, 1(3), 163-166. [More]
  • Onunkun, O. (2014). Field Trials using Cow Urine and Dung as Biopesticides against Sucking Bugs of Amaranthus Cruentus. IJRAS, 1(3), 167-171. [More]
  • Yoseph, T. & Worku, W. (2014). Evaluation of Different NP Fertilizer Rates and Bradyrhizobium Inoculation on Yield and Yield Components of Soybean [Glycine Max (L.) Merrill], at Jinka, Southern Ethiopia. IJRAS, 1(3), 153-162. [More]
  • Yoseph, T. (2014). Performance Evaluation of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L.) Varieties under Moisture Conservation Practices for Yield and Yield Components at Alduba, Southern Ethiopia. IJRAS, 1(3), 149-152. [More]
Results 376 - 400 of 429

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