Influence of Different Levels of Nutrients and Growth Regulators on Nut Yield of Cashew
Hits: 6970
- Select Volume / Issue:
- Year:
- 2014
- Type of Publication:
- Article
- Keywords:
- Cashew, Anacardiumoccidentale L, Nutrients, Growth Regulators
- Authors:
- Pandiyan, R.; Manivannan, K.; Anbalagan, R.
- Journal:
- Volume:
- 1
- Number:
- 4
- Pages:
- 254-257
- Month:
- July
- Note:
- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License:
- Abstract:
- An experiment was conducted to study the influence of different levels of nutrients and growth regulators on nut yield of cashew (Anacardiumoccidentale L.) variety VRI -2 at State Horticultural Farm, Neyveli, and Tamil Nadu. The study was revealed that soil application of 75 percent of the recommended dose of fertilizer + 100 kg of FYM + Cow pea as an intercrop + 1.0 kg Humic acid as soil application + 3 per cent Panchakavya as foliar spray had increased the productivity viz., maximum total number of flowers panicle-1 (910.25),number ofhermaphrodite flowers panicle-1 (71.68), number of fruits panicle-1 (16.67), percentage of fruits panicle-1 (23.26), nut yield tree-1 (14.19kg), nut weight (5.19g), kernel weight (1.87g) and apple weight (44.98g) and shelling percentage (36.02) as compared to control.
Full text: IJRAS_99_Final.pdf